See our artful designs
at our beautiful location in
downtown Saugatuck, Michigan.
at our beautiful location in
downtown Saugatuck, Michigan.

Build Your Own Jewelry Legacy
Jewelry: The Secret Time Traveler
Deborah Koorey's book assists those wishing to hand down their jewelry collections in a meaningful way. Through compelling stories, helpful information, and a convenient worksheet system, Deborah's unique perspective offers creative options for those without heirs, situations of acrimony, and advice on how to protect items that might be at risk as elders age.
Take a look inside and read the introduction from the book.
New Design Showcase
View our latest handcrafted custom designs.
Goldsmiths' Gallery
These artful pieces are best described as specialty creations, with a feature that moves them beyond the boundaries of extraordinary. They represent the mastery of skill that our goldsmiths strive to reach with each piece. These pieces are for the serious art jewelry collectors.